Follow-Up Care after Dental Implant Surgery
You have dental implant surgery to replace missing teeth and are excited that you soon will not display any gaps in your smile. You are happy you have overcome all the issues that were expected to hamper you after tooth loss.
After undergoing the placement surgery, you are provided after-care instructions by the implant dentist. It is incredibly essential that you follow the instructions to the word without exceptions. The instructions aid in your recovery and help to have your artificial teeth within the specified time. This article discusses the instructions in detail to help ensure you follow them as recommended by your dentist.
Medications during the Procedure
You are administered narcotic medications during implant placement. You must understand the medicines make you incapable of driving or operating machinery immediately after the procedure. Therefore you must avoid driving or operating any machinery for the initial 24 hours after the surgery.
General Discomfort
- You can expect some bleeding to occur following the process. Slight bleeding, redness in the saliva, and oozing are standard. Bite down on the gauze pad placed by the dentist for 40 minutes. Refrain from removing the gauze pad to check how much building occurs. Your enthusiasm can dislodge the preliminary clot to result in more bleeding. You can wipe away large chunks and repeat the procedure if necessary. The bleeding should discontinue in four to six hours if you bite down firmly on the gauze pad.
- If bleeding does not stop, you can bite on a moistened black tea bag for 30 minutes. The tea bag contracts the bleeding vessels because the tea bag’s tannic acid helps to form a clot. Do not think about rinsing your mouth for 48 hours after the procedure.
- Keep your tongue away from the surgical site.
- To minimize bleeding, just sit upright and avoid strenuous exercise without being excited.
Call your dentist for further instructions if the bleeding does not subside.
Bone Grafting
If you have undergone bone grafting, you must make a conscious effort not to disturb the wound. Avoid touching the wound, spitting, or rinsing on the day of the surgery. Do not blow your nose for a couple of weeks after the surgery if you have undergone a sinus lift. You can use decongestants if required.
Pain from Dental Implant Procedure
- If you experience mild discomfort, you can use over-the-counter painkillers recommended by the dentist every three to four hours. However, if you are advised of any narcotic medications, avoid over-the-counter painkillers.
- Prescription medications are excellent if you experience severe pain. Just bear in mind to keep a full stomach when taking prescription medications. A milkshake or a smoothie will help to keep your stomach full. Narcotic drugs will make you tired and slow down your reflexes. It would help if you avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking besides driving a vehicle or any machinery.
- The pain or discomfort following the procedure will subside gradually over time.
If the pain persists, you will require attention from the dental office that performed the surgery. If you were prescribed antibiotics, take them as directed and finish the course unless you are instructed otherwise by your dentist. Women are advised that antibiotics can interfere with birth control pills and check with their physician before using them.
Dental Hygiene
- You can rinse your mouth gently 48 hours following the surgery using a solution of half a teaspoon of salt and four ounces of warm water five to six times a day. You can continue this process for two weeks.
- You can resume regular tooth brushing as recommended by general dentistry taking care to avoid the surgical site. You must brush your teeth except for the implant or bone grafting sites following the day after your procedure.
- Four weeks after the process, you can begin brushing the implant, the apartments, and bone graft sites. You must use a soft-bristled toothbrush, and while brushing, the surgical areas are gentle.
Additional Precautions
Do not attempt to sit up or stand suddenly from a lying position. The sudden movement can make you dizzy. If you are lying down following the surgery, push yourself into a sitting position for at least a minute before standing.
Following the surgery for implant placement, you must take the precautions mentioned in this article to ensure your recovery proceeds smoothly. The suggestions help you to begin enjoying your artificial teeth faster than you expect.