Do You Require Emergency Dental Care?

Do You Require Emergency Dental Care?

October 4, 2021

Unexpected things happen every day. Although no one wishes to be in an accidental event. However, accidents happen and sometimes are unpreventable. When someone suffered from a serious dental accident, they might need emergency dental attention.

Dental emergency treatment is a kind of dental procedure that is provided by the emergency dentist to help patients who suffer from dental accidents find instant relief and cure.

Unlike a dental exam that consists of regular dental checkups with X-rays and professional cleanings with dental consultations, emergency dental treatment is not a regular treatment. It is an unexpected event. Dental exams and cleanings are planned. Dental emergencies are not planned.

Signs That You Might Need Emergency Dental Care.

Some dental issues don’t require emergency dental attention. Nevertheless, some dental issues need urgent care especially when the pain is unbearable and physically demanding.

Bleeding Gums

Of course, bleeding gums can cause a sort of concern. Sometimes it might be as a result of an injury caused by aggressive brushing. However, it can also be a sign of gum disease or gingivitis (a mild gum disease). Visiting the dentist on time can save you from advanced gum disease which could lead to loss of teeth and teeth bone damages.

Unexpected Tooth Loss

Losing your tooth can be uncomfortable and disturbing. One of the things that makes the teeth beautiful and organized is a complete set. When one’s tooth accidentally fall out, their facial look changes as well as their dental structure. There’s a sudden change in appearance after a lost tooth.

The tooth could have gotten knocked off due to accidental reasons or other factors. However, what’s important is the safety of the patient and the tooth. When this happens, you must see an emergency dentist immediately.

Severe Tooth Pain

Pains can come in different forms and levels. Severe pain might be unbearable and seriously uncomfortable. Sometimes this toothache can be caused by infections that might have penetrated deep into the tooth’s root thereby causing massive pain. Your dentist can either suggest a root canal treatment (deep cleaning and disinfecting of the tooth’ root) or tooth extraction (total removal of a tooth). Most times, the dentist tries to save the tooth by suggesting a root canal treatment.

Swelling Inside The Mouth

Swelling inside the mouth can be scary. This can be caused by infections. Swellings might be located in the lymph nodes, gums, or even your face. Regardless of where the swelling is located, seeing an emergency dentist is the appropriate step to take. If swelling is left untreated, it can cause serious medical conditions.

Jaw Disorders

A normal jaw can easily move back and forth without problems. However, a person who has a jaw disorder known as Temporomandibular Jaw Disorder (TMJ) might have issues or feel extreme pain when their jaw moves from its locked position. They might also notice a clicking sound whenever they move their jaws and they experience pain when there is a movement in the jaw area. Sometimes TMJ is noticed from an early stage in one’s life. However, one can get TMJ through accidents thereby causing severe injuries to the jaw. When this happens, you can seek ​urgent dental care in Winter Haven, FL.

Broken or Cracked Tooth

A sudden broken or a cracked tooth requires emergency attention. You can visit an emergency dentist near you. The earlier you visit the dentist, the easier it is to get your tooth structure back to normal. There are various restorative dental procedures that dentists make use of while trying to restore a person’s dental structure.

Sore or Growth Inside The Mouth

If you notice a lump or growth inside your mouth, you shouldn’t let it slide or overlook it especially if it is a persistent lump. This is because a persistent lump in the mouth can be a symptom of oral cancer. However, do not conclude based on your conviction. Make sure to see the dentist and get a proper diagnosis. The dentist would discover if the lump is cancerous or non-cancerous through dental screening.

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